Discount Codes

Below you will find a few discount codes to help you with education, or purchase and rental of gear.

Note: These are NOT affiliate codes, so I do not make a commission when these are used. They are simply a courtesy from a few past guests, or sites and services that I believe in.

This list is a work in progress, and I am working to add to it over time. Check back on occasion, or follow me on Twitter or Instagram for updates.

Gear – (In alphabetical order)

Use the code BEHINDTHESHOT2025 for a 15% discount – valid through Jan 1, 2026. Cannot be combined with other codes or discounts.

I had Roger and Drew Cicala of LensRentals on the show a while back to discuss “All Things Gear Rental“, and they were great. This is a company that believes in helping the photo and video community. Thanks to LensRentals for the code!

Enter the code BTS20 in the discount box at checkout for 20% off all Platypod labeled products: Max, Ultra, Max+Multi, Ultra+Multi, the Multi Accessory Kit, Platypod Disc, Goosenecks, Mini-Super Clamp and even replacement spiked feet and rubber feet. Bundles are not included, as they are already heavily discounted. Cannot be combined with other codes or discounts.

The folks at Platypod are passionate about photography, and I am honored to call them friends. The founder of Platypod, Dr. Larry Tiefenbrunn (Dr. T), was on Behind the Shot a few years ago for the episode titled ” Better Product Photography“. If you are ever at a conference where they have a booth be sure to check out their stuff. Thanks to Larry, the staff at Platypod, and my friend Skip Cohen, for supplying us with the code.

Education – (In alphabetical order)

Use the code Brazill25 at checkout for 25% off an Annual KelbyOne Pro Membership. Cannot be combined with other codes or discounts.

KelbyOne is an amazing resource for photography education. Their instructor list is a Who’s Who of the best photographers in the world, including Scott himself, Rick Sammon, Moose Peterson, Joe McNally, Peter Hurley, Jeremy Cowert, Lindsay Adler, Matt Kloskowski, Kristina Sherk, and so many more.

Scott Kelby has been on Behind the Shot a few times. The first time, for “Insights From Scott Kelby – Fashion Photography and Storytelling” we discussed his approach to Fashion Photography, and he gave a few tips to can help you improve your craft, no matter what genre you photograph. The second time Scott was on it was a conversation about “Timeless Photography“. Thanks to Scott and the KelbyOne team for the discount for Behind the Shot viewers.

KelbyOne’s VP of Operations, and Scott’s co-host on The Grid, Eric Kuna, was on the show too, with an episode titled Shoot for the Skies.

Use the code BehindtheShot20 for a 20% discount off of a PHLEARN subscription. Cannot be combined with other codes or discounts.

PHLEARN is the creation of Photoshop Guru Aaron Nace. With over 500 tutorials, and 1.5 million YouTube subscribers, PHLEARN is one of the top photography related education collections you will find. The detailed level of instruction is amazing, and no matter how complex the topic you’ll learn a ton.

When Aaron was on the show we talked about an image of his that still amazes me. Check out the “Creative Photoshop Composites” episode to hear Aaron discuss the keys to a great composite, how to find your own artistic voice, and how he made his wonderful image “Baxter”.

Thanks to Aaron, Lupe, and the team at PHLEARN for the code!